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Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Although immediately recognisable as one of the small metallic green Lasioglossum bees, separation from the similarly-sized, and often more numerous, Lasioglossum morio requires a more detailed examination. The round face of the female and the white hind tarsi of the male should be sufficient to confirm L. leucopus.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,
Submitted by Anonymous on ,
Submitted by Anonymous on ,

This species was formerly referred to in the British and Irish literature either as a form of Lasioglossum smeathmanellum, with the female gaster mostly black and not metallic (Stelfox 1927), or as a species without a name (R C L Perkins 1935). This neglected species was later considered to consist of two allied, but undescribed species, by A W Ebmer. He described them under the names Lasioglossum scoticum (described from Scotland, but clearly known also from England and Wales) and L. hibernicum (described from Ireland) (Ebmer 1970). Later he considered them to… Read more

Submitted by Anonymous on ,
Submitted by Anonymous on ,

One of two large metallic green Lasioglossum bees in Britain. This species has a rather blue-green sheen over both the thorax and abdomen which can often be discerned in the field. Although these features often serve to distinguish it from the similarly green L. morio and L. leucopus, separation from the closely related, but more northerly and westerly distributed, L. cupromicans requires considerable… Read more

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

One of a group of medium-sized, predominantly black, Lasioglossum bees which require care in identification and which are unlikely to be easily recognised in the field. This is a species which is distributed throughout the northern regions of both the New and Old World, although it is montane in the southern parts of its range.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,
Submitted by Anonymous on ,

One of four brown bumblebees known from the British Isles; two of which, B. muscorum and B. humilis, are declining greatly and were  included in research undertaken by the Bumblebee Working Group. The biology of these two species is very similar. Both are associated with extensive areas of tall, but open, flower-rich grasslands, especially those which have many flowers with long corollae, such as clovers, dead-nettles and yellow-rattle. B. muscorum is the more northerly distributed species… Read more

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

One of the socially parasitic bumblebees formerly placed in the genus Psithyrus, which is now regarded as a sub-genus of Bombus. It is known to parasitise the nests of Bombus lucorum. The general distribution is more northerly than that of its look-alike Bombus vestalis, which parasitises B. terrestris. This may be a species which is showing signs of distribution change due to climatic change. The map shows a number of post… Read more