BWARS are pleased to make the following files available as free downloads.

Seiffert, B. Clarifying naming and identification of the outdoor species of the ant genus Tapinoma FÖRSTER, 1850 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Europe north of the Mediterranean region with description of a new species

Seifert 2012.Tapinoma subboreale.pdf476.07 KB

Csősz, S. and Seifert, B. Ponera Testacea Emery, 1895 Stat. N. – A Sister Species of P. Coarctata (Latreille, 1802) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

Csosz and Seifert 2003 - Ponera testacea P. coarctata.pdf186.8 KB

SEIFERT, B., A Taxonomic Revision of the Palaearctic Members of the Ant Subgenus Lasius s. str. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

2561_Seifert Lasius 1992.pdf1.73 MB

Cedric Collingwood 1919 - 2016 - an appreciation

Cedric_Collingwood_obituary.pdf890.87 KB

AGM programme 2017: Liverpool 21-22 October

Programme AGM weekend 2017.pdf216.95 KB

Flyer for Bees of Norfolk book by Nick Owens - due for publication 1 May 2017

A5Bees of Norfolk pre pub flyer (1).pdf2.85 MB

2016 AGM Programme - Cardiff

Programme AGM weekend 2016 (2).pdf169.08 KB

2016 AGM Invitation - Cardiff

AGM Invitation July 2016.pdf127.85 KB

The Micro-bee project: Assessing the presence of Arsenophonus bacterial symbionts in UK solitary bees


Solitarybeesymbiontproject.pdf65.77 KB

Map for 2015 AGM

Map of Oxford University Museums.pdf16.05 KB

Buglife's report on the work of the south west bees project in 2014. Author Rory Dimond.

The South West Bees Project Survey report 2014 (FINAL).pdf2.79 MB

2014 AGM weekend programme

BWARS_AGM_Programme_2014.pdf143.91 KB

Instructions for using Steven Falk's British Bees Photo Guide on Flickr

Bees_on_Flickr_Steven_Falk.pdf65.3 KB

A lsit of species not represented in the World Museum - Liverpool aculeate collection. Please contact the museum if you can provide specimens of any of the missing species.


Britishaculeategaps_Liverpool_World_Museum.pdf16.78 KB

List of British and Irish aculeate Hymenoptera

BWARS-list-of-species_2012_Jan.xlsx26.72 KB

Bees in Britain Chapters 1 - 3 revised 01 October 2012

Bees_in_Britain_Chapters_1_3edit_G_Allen_2.10.12.pdf1.45 MB

Britain's Bees Chapter 4 pt1 Identification Keys to Genera

Britain's_Bees_Chapter_4_Keys_to_Genera.pdf4.23 MB

Myrmica scabrinodis group scapes part 2 images

myrmica-scabrinodis-group-scapes-images.pdf212.27 KB

Results of a pan-European beer-trapping programme which includes data from BWARS members. The protocol for beer-trapping is included in the methods section

Social wasps (Hymenoptera Vespidae) trapped with beer in European forest ecosystems.pdf460 KB

Myrmica scabrinodis group scapes part 1 summary

myrmica-scapes-text.pdf112.14 KB