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Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

BWARS member Nick Owens has jointly authored a new guide to the Bumblebees of Norfolk.

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Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

A new guide to the Bumblebees of Norfolk is now available from BWARS member Nick Owens.

72 pages with colour throughout. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the 23 species of bumblebee known from Norfolk during the past 100 years. There are details of life histories and the ecology of individual species. In addition the descriptions of species will provide useful pointers for helping to identify most of the UK species (including all the most widespread species), so this guide will be of… Read more

Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,
Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,
Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,
Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,
Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,