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Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

Taxonomists regularly review families, genera and species of aculeates (and all other life-forms). This sometimes results in proposals to change the accepted nomenclature associated with some species. Once name changes have been accepted, BWARS implements these changes across its website and in its publications.

This page lists recent changes in nomenclature.


Tetramorium atratulum (Schenk, 1852)

Formerly known as Anergates atratulus. Name change implemented on this website October 2016.


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Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,



Over the last 25 years or so, entomologists and naturalists have noted winter activity of Bombus terrestris (the Buff-tailed Bumblebee). Workers have been seen foraging at a wide range of winter-flowering plants, and males have been reported flying in February. What is quite clear is that a small proportion of mated queens will establish nests in the Autumn, and these can exploit the increasing amount of forage resources available throughout the winter in our gardens, parks and amenity areas.

BWARS is working … Read more

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

Kirk, W.D.J., & Howes, F.N. 2012 Plants for Bees

Miller-Klein, Jan. 2010 Gardening for Butterflies, Bees and other beneficial insects

O'Toole, Christopher. 2013 Bees: A Natural History

Peeters T.M.J. et al. 2012… Read more

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

Stuart Roberts has provided a review for IBRA's new book Plants for Bees

Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,

Plants for Bees

It is not often that a book that so emphatically links bees and the flowers that support them comes along. IBRA are to be congratulated in publishing this lavishly illustrated hard bound book, and for keeping the price (at £25) well within the "Christmas Present" bracket.


The book is divided into a number of sections, including plants for honeybees, bumblebees and solitary bees. The authors of these sections (Norman Carreck, Jane Stout and Chris O'Toole) are all recognised authorities on their subjects,… Read more

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

Stuart Roberts has updated the 2012 map for Colletes hederae

Submitted by admin on ,


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