Crabro mucronatus (MORAWITZ,1866)
This species is very similar to C. elongatulus in appearance and habits. It was formally added to the British list by Packer (1981) from specimens collected in Kent during 1978. The species has also been located in slightly older collections from Kent.
Now found mainly in south-east England although recently collected as far north as N.E. Yorkshire. The species appears to be locally frequent in Kent but scarce elsewhere. Abroad, the species is found rather sporadically in Europe, China, Taiwan and Japan (Lomholdt 1975-76).
Listed as Rare (RDB3) in Shirt (1987) and as Notable A in Falk (1990) (now known as Nationally Scarce Na).
As with C. elongatulus, found in a variety of open habitats, including scrub and woodland edges.
Probably bi- or multivoltine; May to September.
The prey are small Diptera according to Lomholdt (1975-6), but Packer (1981) described the use of aphids for this purpose. The full range of prey may include both.
Nests are constructed in the ground, but can also be found in dead wood and in soft mortar in walls, as with C. elongatulus.
No information available for flower visits but the species has been found visiting honeydew (pers. obs.).
No information available.