Cardiff 2012 AGM and workshop details confirmed
Details of workshops and the programme for the 2012 AGM are available here
Details of workshops and the programme for the 2012 AGM are available here
BWARS member Nick Owens has jointly authored a new guide to the Bumblebees of Norfolk.
More details here
To celebrate the launch of its new website, BWARS is extremely pleased to offer the previously unpublished text for Bees of Britain as a free download. This provides the first significant work about Britain's Bees since 1896! It will be an essential aid to anyone wishing to study native bees in Britain and further afield.
Our thanks go to members Robin Williams, Mike Edwards and the team of authors for working so tirelessly to complete this important project.
Anthidium manicatum
Photo: Nigel Jones
To celebrate the creation of BWARS' new website, we are launching another round of a survey to monitor the spread and colonisation of Bombus hypnorum (aka tree bumblebee) across Britain and Ireland.
Bombus hypnorum feeding on bramble (Rubus spp.)
Photo: Nick Owens
The content of this website is the work of many dedicated individuals who have contributed hours of their own time freely and willingly over many years.