Sphex ater FABRICIUS 1794 preocc.; Psen atratus JURINE 1807; Pelopoeus compressicornis FABRICIUS 1794; Psen serraticornis JURINE 1807
This species is probably extinct in Britain, with all records from more than 100 years ago.
The records came from North Hampshire and East Suffolk (Richards, 1980). The Suffolk observations possibly relate to the areas around Ipswich and Lowestoft (Falk, 1991).
Overseas, this is extremely rare in Fennoscandia, but widely distributed in the Palaearctic to Japan (Lomholdt, 1984).
Lomholdt (1984) states that the species is found in "sandy localities".
In keeping with the closely related Mimumesa species, small cicadas e.g. from the family Issidae, are collected, with 10-20 in each of 6-12 cells branching off from a central burrow (Falk 1991).
Lomholdt records the species as nesting in steep sandy banks, although Richards (1980) also speculates about the use of old beetle holes in dead wood.
No information available.
No information available.