Sphecodes gibbus ephippius niger SICHEL 1865; Sphecodes niger holomelaena BLÜTHGEN 1949;
A small, dark Sphecodes but otherwise rather similar in general appearance to the common S. geoffrellus.
A southern species, distributed from Devon to Kent and north to Buckinghamshire and Lincolnshire. The species appears to be widely distributed in central and southern Europe, extending south to Morocco (Falk 1991).
Listed as Rare (RDB3) in both Shirt (1987) and Falk (1991), currently increasing in range.
Often found on calcareous grassland but also known from soft-rock cliffs, heathland in the Brecks and other disturbed situations on light and heavy soils.
Early April to mid-October, frequently being found in August and September.
The bee has been found visiting Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) and Asteraceae (Falk 1991), and Pignut (Conopodium majus) (S P M Roberts, pers. comm.)
There are no known parasites of this species.
Profile written:
Proofed: Updated Oct 2012