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Submitted by admin on ,

With no NBN map, but all other fields.

Basically, need to hide the nbn map if no TVK available.

Submitted by admin on ,

Problem here is that the importer only looks at the binomial and puts the rest of the name in the author field. Needs special handling in the importer.

Submitted by admin on ,

Related to single species records above – Add facilities for listing incoming records and letting appropriate users mark them as verified or rejected

Submitted by admin on ,

Set up single species record submission whereby BWARS can select species.    In relation to projects like Bombus hypnorum monitoring. A must do for OPAL grant.

Submitted by admin on ,

The HTML Filter + IMCA module seem to strip out image attributes such as width and height.

Submitted by admin on ,

Giving BWARS the ability to create any page “layout” it requires.

Submitted by admin on ,

Allow BWARS to set up new single species record forms.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

A close relative of A. ovatula (Kirby) and best separated from it by the broken hair-band in both sexes on the third gastral tergite (particularly obvious in the female).

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

One of the larger brown and yellow-striped Nomada species. Its presence should be checked wherever its host, Andrena haemorrhoa (Fabricius), is present. It is very similar in appearance to the very common Nomada flava Panzer, but rather darker generally, though not as dark as Nomada panzeri Lepeletier. The presence of a clear notch in the tip of the mandible will confirm this (the only other British Nomada with a bifid mandible is fabriciana (Linnaeus), which is smaller and red). Take care when handling live females, however; female… Read more