Most recently added content
Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

All data currently set as private to public users, which is accceptable as a stop gap.

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

As on Dipterists Forum site.

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

BWARS will need to present a spreadsheet of references (otherwise BWARS could do this manually)

Submitted by admin on ,

The site footer is defined in a block - a piece of reusable content that can appear on any page. To change the footer you will need to be logged in as an Advanced site editor.

To change it, select Site building > Blocks from the menu, then look down the page to find the BWARS Copyright block in the Footer section. Click the configure link to access the block's configuration page. Simply edit the content in the Block body and click Save block… Read more

Submitted by admin on ,

Species Gallery - all images to display when subfamilies are open.

Submitted by admin on ,

Footer on all pages :
©Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society 2012. Also instruction in Site Editor Help page for amending this.

Submitted by admin on ,

Enable send private message by and to registered users.    With option for user to disable this in their own profile (if disable is easy to do)

Submitted by admin on ,

Enable tables to be inserted in fields/panels in pages    Just needs turning on?

Submitted by admin on ,

Iron out the glitch in the species gallery (and provide an instruction in case it happens again?)    E.g., Andrena haemorrhoa