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Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Dr Jane Sears (RSPB)

Delve into a partnership project to restore the nationally extinct Short-haired Bumblebee (Bombus subterraneus) to the UK and to improve the diversity and abundance of rare bumblebees in South-east England. It will explore the challenges of restoring an extinct species to its native range and the various approaches that were trialled over a 12-year period from 2008-2020. Along the way, there were some surprising results and many lessons were learnt.

Dr Jane Sears is a Senior Ecologist with the RSPB with over 30 years experience of saving some of the most… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Dr Tony Madgwick gives an engaging webinar that delves into the fascinating world of social wasps, members of the family Vespidae.

At the end of the session, learners should feel more comfortable submitting records of the 10 UK species of social wasps to iRecord.

Full details here

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Join Prof Dave Gouslon to hear about how the Buzz Club are investigating the effectiveness of different bee hotels for UK bees.


Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Delve into the mind of a bee with Lars Chittka and explore the ways in which how bee brains are unparalleled in the animal kingdom.

By The Biological Recording Company - online - free

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Learn about the cuckoo bumblebees of the UK and recent bumblebee extinctions with Dr Nikki Gammans.

By The Biological Recording Company - online - £10

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Habitats include woodland (plantation), scrub and grassland. I recce'd the site last year and found it to have a wide variety of inverts.

BWARS members welcome

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Famed for its past history as the largest amateur footballing venue, there have been recent habitat interventions (green and blue) and there is a need for continued and detailed survey effort.

BWARS members welcome

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

A super site with a wide diversity of green and blue habitats. Last year we recorded a number of species new to the site and to London. The disturbed nature of the area and import of materials from all over the world during the construction of the Olympic venues seems to provide opportunities to record new colonisers!

BWARS members welcome

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Long time BWARS members Matt Smith and Stuart Roberts have been named as joint-winners of the inaugural NBN Verifier’s Award 2024. Each of them have verified over 150,000 records on iRecord, having been involved since the early days of iRecord in 2012/2013. Full details can be found here.

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

BWARS AGM Programme 14th and 15th September 2024 

Venue: Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford

Saturday 14th September 2024

Workshop 1 Nomada 11.30 – 1pm Steven Falk

Workshop 2 Priocnemis 2pm – 3.30pm Bogdan Wiśniowski

General ID help until 4.30 

Sunday 15th September 2024 10.00 – 16:30 

10:15 BWARS AGM (members only)


The Chair, Richard Dawson, will take the chair to… Read more