Adding and editing a general content page

There are several special types of content that have specific functionality and are described elsewhere (e.g. news, diary events). If you want to create a general purpose content page instead, select Content management > Create content on the menu. You are presented with a list of different types of content. The general purpose ones all start with Page and are followed by a numbering system where relevant. The numbering system reflects the number of columns for each row, for example Page 2 + 1 + 1 indicates a page with a top left and top right area, followed by a full width area then another at the bottom. The content type called Page is a simple full width single section page. Note that if you leave any sections empty then they will simply be ommitted from the page, so for example you could use the Page 2 + 1 + 1 template and only fill in the top left, top right and bottom section to effectively use it as a 2 + 1 template. 

Select the type of page you want to create. Enter a page title, then fill in the content in each of the relevant sections (the title of each section explains where on the page it will appear). Only when you view the saved page will you see the actual page layout - so don't worry that the entry boxes are just stacked one on top of each other for now. 

For more tips on inputting text, images and links, refer to the Instant Indicia Wiki Content Editing notes. In particular please pay attention to how links to other content pages should be added - to summarise on the BWARS site when you want to link to, for example,, you should click the link button in the toolbar and enter the *URL* as "ant/formicidae/dolichoderinae/tapinoma-erraticum" and set the *Protocol* to "<other>". Please remove "" from all the web addresses you use in internal site links.