How to import species accounts

If you are a member of the advanced site editor role, then you can access the species account importer. Before doing this you need to prepare the atlas texts ready to copy in for the species you want to import. Adhere to the following rules:

  • Each atlas text should start with a binomial species name and author, and an asterisk at the start of the line. If the binomial name already exists then the importer will update the existing account (including moving to a new place in the hierarchy if necessary).
  • On the next line, put the family in square brackets, separated from the subfamily by a colon. For example [Andrenidae] or [Vespidae:Vespinae].
  • The next block of text will automatically go into the Description and notes field.
  • After that, you need to specify each section of text by putting the section title on one line, then follow this with the text content. The text will all be imported into that section until the importer finds the next section title or the next species name to import. You can append several species into the same text for importing several at a time as long as you keep ants, wasps and bees in separate files (about 20 would be a sensible maximum for each import).

Once you have the text ready, select Site building > Species accounts > Import species account texts from the admin menu. You must make sure that you select the correct type in Content type to import before proceeding. Paste your text into the Species Account Raw Data box and click the Import button. Once complete you will see a log of several messages – don’t worry about this information as long as there is a message saving account for each species.