Creating a news item

You can create news articles by selecting Content management > Create content > Story from the menu at the top. Enter a Title and fill in the main content for the news article in the Body box. Optionally you can upload a second piece of content into the Top right box which will appear alongside the body text when the user views the news article.

By default the news article you enter will appear on the home page. If you want to show the news article in the main list of news but not on the home page, then you can expand the Publishing options section and untick the Promoted to front page box.

Save the news article when you are done. If you need to edit or delete a news item then find it on the News page and there is an edit link under the body text for each article. This link is only visible if you are logged in with site editor access.

Note that the news article does not need to be added to a menu, since the News menu link automatically loads news articles with the most recent first.