Configuring the menu structure

If you want to add a new top level menu item, e.g. a section called “About” under which we can put pages “About this site” and “Contact Us”:

  1. Select *Site building > Menus > List menus* from the menu then choose the *Primary Links* menu, as this menu is normally the site’s main menu.
  2. You should now see the edit page for a new menu item. Set the Path to nolink because we want this menu item to be a parent item which does not have a page associated with it. Set the Menu Link Title to the title of your menu parent item.  You can optionally set a Description at this point, or the item’s Weight to position the item in the correct location in the menu, although you may find this easier to do by drag and drop when viewing the whole list in a moment. Click the Save button to return to the list of menu items.
  3. From this page you can re-organise your menu items by dragging the arrow symbol markers around in the list. Drag them slightly to the right if you want to make an item a child of another item. Remember to click the Save configuration button when you have finished making changes.

Don’t forget that you can create new parent menu items using the *Add Item* link, or on any Drupal page (including an Indicia form) the *Edit* view has a *Menu settings* page which lets you create a menu item for the page, so that you can then return to this page and organise your menu using drag and drop.

Also, if you want to configure the menu at the top right, then select the Secondary Links menu rather than the Primary Links menu. This one does not support drop down menus at the moment so keep it one level deep.