A bright brown and yellow cuckoo bee and one of the larger of our Nomada species. In common with its hosts (Andrena of the varians group as well as A. scotica Perkins and A. nitida (Müller)) this is a very widespread and frequently found species, often seen flying over short vegetation and bare ground in sunny places during the spring. Towards the north it appears to be replaced by N. panzeri Lepeletier. Separating males, in particular, of these two species is very difficult, but good characters concerning the standing hairs on the clypeus can be used for the females.
Over most of England and Wales, there are few Irish records and none from Scotland.
It is widely distributed in Europe.
This species is not regarded as scarce or threatened.
Occurs in a wide range of habitats.
Univoltine; April to June.
A cuckoo species, it does not make its own nest, but lays its eggs in the nests of mining bees of the genus Andrena.
Visits a wide variety of flowers.
No data available.