Andrena rufitarsis homonym Zetterstedt, 1838, Andrena (Euandrena) ruficrus rubicrus Hirashima, 1957
One of the smaller Andrena species, similar in size to the widespread A. bicolor Fabricius. It is unusual in being a northern species, and probably because of this its biology is rather poorly known, historically there being fewer people interested in aculeates in the northern parts of these islands.
Northwards from Yorkshire, with scattered records over much of Scotland.
It occurs in central and northern Europe, eastwards to the Caucasus. Also known from
Listed as Rare (RDB3) in both Shirt (1987) and Falk (1991).
Associated with sallows and also requiring areas of bare ground in the sun for nesting.
Univoltine; March to June.
Nests in small aggregations in sunny patches of bare, or thinly vegetated, soil (N Robinson, pers. comm.)
Recorded as visiting a wide variety of flowers for nectar.
No data available.