Bumblebees and Solitary Bees

Submitted by Stuart Roberts on

A residential FSC course at Rhyd-y-creuau Field Centre with tutor Ian Cheeseborough

The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the ecology of bumblebees and solitary bees. Emphasis will be placed on field identification where possible, with discussion of habitat and foraging requirements. There will be ample opportunity to study and identify prepared specimens using microscopes and entomological keys. Most bumblebees can be confidently identified in the field using one or more of the excellent guides available. Solitary bees on the other hand are a lot more numerous, so making identification more difficult. However, with some guidance and use of wonderful photos, such as those in the Bees of Surrey book by David Baldock, a number can be learnt quickly.

For further information (including costs and booking details) click here

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29-31 May 2015