Beginners Workshop 28 November - Cardiff

Submitted by Nigel Jones on

As usual there has been a steady stream of requests for identifications of aculeates, often from photographs. Helping new people to understand how to name the insects in this group, what to look for, whether the insect even is an aculeate, is an important part of the support BWARS offers. Much of this support is through the workshops held at various venues around the country.

On Saturday, 28th November a Beginners' Workshop will be held at the National Museum of Wales, led by Mark Pavett and Mike Edwards. Topics to be covered will include a general introduction to the group, what they do and where to find them, plus a discussion of photography and ‘old fashioned’ collections. The latter will include a chance to look through microscopes at the different insects in the group and make a start at naming them from pinned specimens and keys provided by the organisers, whilst the former will be covered by a short ‘name this insect' quiz.

Places for this workshop are limited, so please contact Mark Pavett to express your interest: