Restricted to light sandy soils principally in south-east England. Also occurs in the Channel Islands. Widespread in central and southern Europe, central Asia eastwards to Afghanistan, and in north Africa.
Listed as Rare (RDB3) in Shirt (1987) and in Falk (1991).
May be found n a variety of open habitats with a slight preference for clay-based or sandy soils, although these need not be acidic. This species has undergone an expansion of range during the past decade or so.
Univoltine; May to August, with males present from late July.
Nests in the ground. It is not known whether this is a eusocial species.
Yellow-flowered Asteraceae.
None known in Britain, although Sphecodes puncticeps has been suggested as a cleptoparasite on the continent (Westrich 1989).