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Submitted by Anonymous on ,

BWARS has not yet produced an account for this species. We anticipate completing the process of producing accounts for all British and Irish species by around 2014. Meanwhile, on this page you can find at least a provisional distribution map, any images BWARS has procured for the species and a list of known synonyms (names previously applied to this species).

The work of mapping aculeate Hymenoptera, plus describing their life histories, is the major activity that BWARS undertakes. Should you have an interest in recording and studying aculeates, you may like to consider joining… Read more

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

BWARS has not yet produced an account for this species. We anticipate completing the process of producing accounts for all British and Irish species by around 2014. Meanwhile, on this page you can find at least a provisional distribution map, any images BWARS has procured for the species and a list of known synonyms (names previously applied to this species).

The work of mapping aculeate Hymenoptera, plus describing their life histories, is the major activity that BWARS undertakes. Should you have an interest in recording and studying aculeates, you may like to consider joining… Read more

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

A small black spider wasp. Males lack the ivory markings on the face and hind legs present in its congener Agenioideus cinctellus (Spinola), and females may be separated by the presence of a fore tarsal comb and by differences in dentition.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Also known as sepsoides Westwood in Richards (1939) and Perkins (1976) and barbutellus (Richards, 1939) in  Perkins (1976).

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Knowles (2009) provides guidance on the identification of this species within the T. figulus-group.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Knowles (2009) provides guidance on the identification of this species within the T. figulus-group. It is likely to be well-represented in collections under T. figulus sens. lat. and there is a need to re-examine all old material.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

A small, black, very thin solitary wasp. Identification keys are given in Yeo & Corbet (1995), Lomholdt (1984) and Richards (1980).

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

A small, black, very thin solitary wasp, with a reddish mark on the fore leg. Identification keys are given in Yeo & Corbet (1995), Lomholdt (1984) and Richards (1980).

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Trypoxylon figulus sensu Richards (1980) and Lomholdt (1984) is now considered to comprise three separate species. Knowles (2009) explains the history and provides guidance on the identification of the three species.

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

In 2006 Episyron gallicum was first recorded in Britain in a sand quarry in Bedfordshire.