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Submitted by Anonymous on ,
Submitted by admin on ,

Although all latin names, authors, nbn keys are available in the species accounts, we don't yet have common names apart from for a few species. Will probably want to include common names for online recording.

Submitted by admin on ,

Due to the huge number of images, expanding a family such as Andrenidae can be pretty slow.

Consider reducing the number of images loaded into the gallery per species.

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

BWARS encourages members to submit records electronically. There are two main advantages to the society in receiving electronic records:

  • Electronic records save BWARS enormous amounts of time in  entering data onto mapping programmes.
  • It is very easy to track records when using electronic databases. This means that it is easy for BWARS to find all records for a particular species, county, recorder, or other facet of a record.

Paper Records - If you are unable to submit electronic records, then BWARS is prepared to accept… Read more

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,


The following observation was posted on the BWARS Forum by Nigel Jones on 29 April 2006:


I came across a female A. plumipes today. It flew in to a patch of Pulmonaria flowers, where males have been patrolling for some time. After landing it became very quiet and gripped the flower it landed on with it's mandibles. I was able to pick up the flower and photograph it, fully expecting it to fly off at any time. It… Read more

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,
Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,
Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,
Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,
Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,