Crabro dentipes PANZER, 1797; Crabro patellarius PANZER, 1797; Crabro mediatus FABRICIUS, 1798
Locally common to abundant throughout much of Britain and Ireland.
This species is not regarded as being threatened.
Mainly associated with light, sandy soils.
Apparently single-brooded; late May to mid-August.
Prey consist of paralysed Diptera of the families Therevidae, Stratiomyidae and the superfamily Muscoidea (Richards, 1980).
The nest burrows are about 28 cm in length and are excavated in the soil. A nest consists of up to seven cells, each being provisioned with about nine flies (Lomholdt, 1976).
The species visits wild parsnip, hogweed and wild carrot, also creeping thistle.