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Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

Defra issued a press release on 20 September 2016 regarding a Gloucestershire record for Asian hornet Vespa velutina


BWARS' information sheet on this wasp can be found here

Submitted by admin on ,


With the launch of the NBN's Living Atlas and the closure of the NBN Gateway maps, currently it is not possible to display maps from NBN data. The maps now displayed on species accounts pages are made with around 900,000 BWARS records!

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

BWARS AGM and Members’ Weekend 8 & 9 OCTOBER 2016 - National Museum Cardiff


The BWARS Committee invite all our members to join us at Cardiff Museum on Saturday 8th October and/or Sunday 9th October for the BWARS AGM and members’ weekend.

The BWARS members’ weekend is a great opportunity to meet up with friends – old and new. The official business is conducted at the AGM on Sunday but the meeting is mainly informal.

As in previous years, on Saturday there will be a number of workshops for members. The number of places at the… Read more

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

2016 AGM Programme - Cardiff

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

2016 AGM Invitation - Cardiff

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

Researchers at Liverpool University are assessing the presence of Arsenophonus bacterial symbionts in UK solitary bees and require expert volunteers to collect and identify speciemens. Read more

Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

The Micro-bee project: Assessing the presence of Arsenophonus bacterial symbionts in UK solitary bees


Submitted by Nigel Jones on ,

Added to the British list by Wood and Baldock (2016).

Submitted by Stuart Roberts on ,

A weekend bee ID workshop led by bee expert Steven Falk and based at Bug Farm, Pembrokeshire. Probably £60 for 2 days. Contact details here: Email:

Telephone: 07966 956357