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Submitted by Anonymous on ,

This small, shining, reddish-yellow to brown ant is the only known European representative of its genus. It resembles Leptothorax and Temnothorax species, to which it is closely related. Females, and the wingless males, are worker-like in appearance, whilst individuals morphologically intermediate between females and workers also occur. Formicoxenus nitidulus is a ‘guest ant’, living only within the nest mounds of its ant hosts. These are usually ‘wood ants’ (Formica subgenus Formica sens. str.). Known hosts in Britain are F. aquilonia… Read more

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

Another of the three large species of Priocnemis with plentiful erect hair on the face and propodeum (subgenus Umbripennis. P. susterai may occur anywhere among the much more frequently found P. perturbator. Identification is given by Day (1988).

Submitted by Anonymous on ,

One of three large species of Priocnemis with plentiful erect hair on the face and propodeum (subgenus Umbripennis). P. coriacea is unpredictable in its occurrence. Identification characters are given in Day (1988).

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Submitted by Anonymous on ,
Submitted by Anonymous on ,

In older literature this species is referred to as Chrysis pustulosa Abeille de Perrin. Identification keys and general biology are given in Morgan (1984), Falk (1991) and Kunz (1994).

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In older literature this species has been referred to as Chrysis osmiae Thomson. Identification keys and general biology are given in Morgan (1984), Falk (1991) and Kunz (1994).

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Submitted by Anonymous on ,