BWARS are pleased to make the following files available as free downloads.

A visual guide to distinguishing carder bumblebees by Steven Falk

DistinguishingCarderBeesArrows_SFalk.pdf1003.04 KB

A visual guide to distinguishing black bodied, red tailed bumblebees by Steven Falk

DistinguishingBlackBodiedRedTails_SFalk.pdf999.82 KB

Workshop presentation given by Juho Paukkunen at the BWARS Members' Weekend 2019. The presentation outlines key characters for separating the 13 British species of the cryptic Chrysis ignita group. Juho cautioned that colour characters given in the Nordic and Baltic Chrysididae key (Paukkunen et al., 2015) are not reliable for British specimens:

Juho Paukkunen, Alexander Berg, Villu Soon, Frode Ødegaard and Paolo Rosa. 2015 An illustrated key to the cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the Nordic and Baltic countries, with description of a new species.

The full Nordic/ Baltic key can be downloaded here


Chrysis_workshop_2019_Juho_Paukkunen (2).pdf5.96 MB

2019 BWARS AGM final programme

FINAL Programme for BWARS members weekend 2019.pdf227.31 KB

Key to Wasps of the family Vespidae - corrected version 4
Issued 26 September 2019

This is a corrected version of the key to Vespidae wasps, issued in the BWARS Newsletter (Spring 2019 issue).

The correction relates to one character which had been transposed in the male Dolichovespula part of the key.

Male Vespula are now excluded from the key as it has become apparent that more work is required regarding separating the species rleiably.

Vespine wasps key_v5.pdf2.87 MB

A list of all the present known species concepts - March 2020.

All_current_known_species_concepts_March_2020.xlsx57.62 KB

2019 Species list with current BWARS concepts.

2019_May_Species_list_current_concept.xlsx37.92 KB

All the references given in the species account pages up to Atlas 10 - 2019.

Species_Account_References_2019.pdf324.81 KB

Corrections to the Handbook of the Bees of the British Isles. Issued January 2019

Else Edwards Bees of British Isles_corrections file Sept_2019.pdf71.14 KB

Membership Renewal

Membership renewal_2020.pdf427.82 KB

BWARS Members Weekend - programme 2018

Programme for BWARS members weekend 2018.pdf198.4 KB

Invitation to 2018 BWARS AGM & members weekend

Invitation to BWARS members weekend Autumn 2018 (2).pdf367.54 KB

Species concept dictionary spreadhseet BWARS 2019

Species_concept_dictionary_spreadhseet_BWARS_2019.xlsx37.25 KB

Species or species concept? An explanation

Species or species concept.pdf86.29 KB

Species concept dictionary BWARS 2019

BWARS_species_concept dictionary_2019.pdf692.65 KB

Notes and references for Species Concept Dictionary comments (BWARS 2017)

Notes and References for species dictionary comments.pdf66.64 KB

Branstetter, M.G. et al. Phylogenomic Insights into the Evolution of Stinging Wasps and the Origins of Ants and Bees

Branstetter et al (2017) Phylogenetic insights into the evolution of stinging wasps, bees and ants.pdf1.02 MB

Vikberg, V.V. A re-evaluation of five European species of Spilomena with a key to European species and relevance to the fauna of North Europe, especially Finland (Hymenoptera: Pemphredonidae)

Vikberg_2000_Spilomena.pdf10.87 MB

Dvořák, L. &  Roberts, S.P.M. Key to the paper and social wasps of Central Europe (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)

Dvorak & Roberts_2006_Wasp_keys.pdf774.65 KB

Notton, D.G. and Norman, H. Hawk's-Beard Nomad Bee, Nomada facilis, New to Britain (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Notton & Norman_2017_Nomada facilis.pdf4.26 MB