A very bright, black and yellow cuckoo bee and one of the largest of our Nomada species. In common with its hosts (Andrena species of the nigroaenea-group) this is a very widespread and frequently found species, often seen flying over short vegetation and bare ground in sunny places during the spring and, in smaller numbers, late summer. These later dates support the supposition that its hosts may also have a later flight period than has been previously recognised.
Over most of the British Isles, although there are few Scottish records. It is also listed from Ireland (Stelfox, 1927; O’Connor et al., 2009).
It is widely distributed in Europe.
This species is not regarded as scarce or threatened.
It occurs in a wide range of habitats.
April to June, with a small new generation in July and August.
A cuckoo species, it does not make its own nest, but lays its eggs in the nests of the Andrena nigroaenea-group and may also be associated with other larger Andrena.
Visits a wide variety of flowers for nectar.
No data available.