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Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

BWARS AGM Programme 14th and 15th September 2024 

Venue: Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

BWARS AGM Programme 14th and 15th September 2024

Venue: Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

An ant species new to Britain Tapinoma pygmaeum (Dufour 1857) has been found in Royston Herts.… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

A new key to Nomad bees by Steven Falk including species accounts and photographs has been added to the… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

A new, downloadable, draft key to the Pompilidae (spider-hunting wasps) plus a link to the Pompilidae section of Steven Falk's Flickr site has… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

The bibliography that was on the BWARS site up to June 2023 has sadly been lost. Fortunately an archived copy exists and can be accessed from a… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

22nd – 29th June 2024 (Saturday to Saturday)

The DF would be pleased to have BWARS members join us at our 2024 summer field… Read more

Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

Explore the subterranean world of the Yellow Meadow Ant and learn how their mounds support diverse ecological communities.

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Submitted by Mike Fox on ,
Submitted by Mike Fox on ,

A number of mostly Field Recorder Days have been added to the Diary of Events page.