BWARS Annual General Meeting

Submitted by Nigel Jones on

National Museum of Wales, Cardiff

Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September

Download a copy of the AGM programme


Venue: Dept of Biodiversity & Systematic Biology, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, CF10 3NP.  

Location map at

Saturday 29th September - Workshops (held in laboratory - Places limited to advance bookings only). 12.00 – 17.00

12.00 – 13.30  We will meet informally over lunch, which may be eaten on the premises  

13.30 – 16.30  Nigel Jones - Website Editor’s Workshop; have a go at editing the BWARS website pages e.g. making hyperlinks, adding images, checking content – rolling sessions throughout the afternoon

13.30 – 14.15  Rebecca Evans - Pan Trapping & Specimen Recovery

14.15 – 15.15  George Else & Mike Edwards - Andrena workshop, with an updated trial key

15.15 – 15.45  Tea break

15.45 – 16.30  Michael Archer - Identification of the Families of the Chrysidoidea and to the genera of the Bethylidae using illustrated keys

16.30 – 17.00  Informal discussion.  Clear the building by 17.00

There will be an opportunity for use of the museum’s collections, informal chat and help with identifications throughout the afternoon.  We ask that you are considerate of the workshops being held during this time.

Evening meal – booked for 18.30
Bellinis Italiano, 1 Park Place, Cardiff.  If you wish to attend but have not booked please contact Louise Hislop before 7th September louisehislop[at]  

Sunday 30th September (held in lecture theatre) 9.00 – 15.30
If you wish to attend please let Secretary (Louise Hislop) know, as we need numbers for insurance purposes.
Please bring a packed lunch to help us keep to time and allow people to leave promptly at the end of the day.

09.30  BWARS AGM

The President Michael Archer will take the chair in order to commence the business of the day.
1.    Election of Chairman for the meeting
The President will then hand over to the elected chairman.

2.    Apologies

3.    The minutes of the 2011 AGM
These have been circulated in the Autumn 2011 Newsletter.

4.    Matters arising

5.    Officers’ reports
1.    Chairman - Stuart Roberts
2.    Treasurer/Membership Secretary - Hilary Erenler

6.    Election of officers for 2012
The following nominations have been received.  Any others should be handed to the Secretary, Louise Hislop, before the start of the meeting.

Chairman - Stuart Roberts
Treasurer/Membership Secretary – Hilary Erenler
Secretary – Louise Hislop
Enquiries Secretary – Scotty Dodd

7.    Election of ordinary members
Nick Owens comes to the end of his term of office.  The remaining elected committee members are Tim Newton, Andrew Philpott and Tom Ings.  There is one place open for election at the 2012 AGM.  Nominations should be sent/handed in to the secretary, Louise Hislop, before the start of the meeting.  

8.    AOB
This should be for emergency items only.  If you know of an issue which you wish to bring to the notice of the meeting, please send details to Louise Hislop by 20th September so that it can be added to the agenda.

11.00   Coffee break

11.30   Jeremy Early - Aculeates in a Surrey Garden

12.00   Members slides
12.30   Lunch
13.30   Mike Garrat - The Agriland Project; discovering pollinators in the farmed

14.00   John Walters - The Heath Potter Wasp

14.30   David Baldock - Bees of Mallorca and Portugal

15.00   Mike Edwards - Syngenta Operation Pollinator; getting knowledge about bees and
    their habitat requirements onto working farms

15.30   Close of meeting


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Weekend of 29-30 September 2012