How to edit the diary

To create events in the diary, select Content management > Create content > Diary Event from the menu and fill in the fields as follows:

Title: fill in a brief title of the event.

Description: provide a full description of the event.

Display Date: fill in the date as you would like it displayed. This does not need to be a 'true' date, for example you could have a field trip with a display date of "Week beginning 17th June".

Sort Date: select the date of the event or the start of the event if a range of dates. This is used to sort the events into the correct order but is not actually displayed. Also once this date has passed by more than a day, the diary event will disappear from the list.

Download: If there is an associated file, you can upload it here. An example would be a meeting agenda.

Now save the diary event and it will appear on the Diary page with the other events. You can also access an edit link beneath each event which will take you back to the diary event edit view if you need to make amendments or to delete a cancelled diary event. Note that the edit link is only present because you are logged in as a site editor - it will not be visible to other users.