Myrmica scabrinodis is a common red ant found in many habitats. It could be confused with a number of other Myrmica ants. Examination of the base of the scapes is required to separate it from other Myrmica.
Found throughout the British Isles. The apparent sparsity of records for Ireland is most likely due to under recording.
Found throughout Europe.
This species is not regarded as scarce or threatened.
Found in many habitats but rarely in woods, very dry grasslands or around human habitations. High nest densities can be found in boggy areas.
July to September.
Nests are in soil, under stones, or in grass tussocks and sometimes in the sides of Lasius flavus mounds.
Feeds on small arthropods. Also thought to steal and eat brood from other ants in particular Lasius flavus (Fabricius).